[twenty20 offset=”0.5″ img1=”5983″ img2=”5984″ before=”OLD” after=”NEW”]
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Use the slider to compare the old Oasis Orthodontics website to our professionally designed website. Features include:

  • Customised top-end design to reflect the client’s business
  • Complete restructure of the home page and inner pages (thus improving on-page SEO)
  • More prominent call to actions to increase customer conversions via phone and email
  • An aggressive link building campaign from authoritative, relevant domains
  • Regular comprehensive, industry-relevant blog posts

Google Keyword Performance

The new Oasis Orthodontics website was launched in July, 2019. Since then, there has been a significant increase in Google rankings:

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Keyword: Orthodontist
(Ranked #1 on Google)

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[stm_spacing lg_spacing=”30px” md_spacing=”30px” sm_spacing=”30px” xs_spacing=”30px”]

Keyword: Orthodontics
(Ranked #3 on Google)

[stm_spacing lg_spacing=”50px” md_spacing=”50px” sm_spacing=”50px” xs_spacing=”50px”]


[stm_spacing lg_spacing=”30px” md_spacing=”30px” sm_spacing=”30px” xs_spacing=”30px”]

Keyword: Orthodontics Perth
(Ranked #10 on Google)

Oasis Orthodontics on mobile and tablet
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Who Are Oasis Orthodontics?

Oasis Orthodontics are based in Clarkson, Perth. Their highly experienced team provide a range of orthodontic services including braces, aligners, Invisalign, and a range of surgical procedures.

They have a renowned focus on customer care, and their new website reflects this.

How Has Organic SEO Traffic Been Affected?

From July 2019 to January 2020, the campaign saw a 197% growth in organic traffic. This was due to significantly better on-page SEO, improvement in a number of technical SEO elements, regular blogging, and high-quality link building from medically related websites.

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197% increase in 6 months

Customer Testimonial

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Get in touch with me

Get in touch by filling out the contact form below. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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