The Client

Lawson Legal is a boutique Perth-based criminal law firm representing all Commonwealth and State criminal law matters. Richard Lawson, the principal criminal lawyer, practises not only in the greater Perth area, but also in all rural areas of Western Australia.

Our Goals

[stm_icon_box icon=”fa fa-calendar-check-o”]Attract more first-time customers through significantly improved Google rankings.[/stm_icon_box]
[stm_icon_box icon=”fa fa-cogs”]Improve conversion and retention rates with better call to actions, social media integration, mobile optimisation, and more.[/stm_icon_box]
[stm_icon_box icon=”stm-idea”]Redesign website to better reflect the brand’s high-end accommodation offering.[/stm_icon_box]

The Results

Lawson Legal logo
  1. Lawson Legal are a Perth-based criminal law firm. They have been a client of mine since June 2017.
  2. In that time, they have gone from 31 organic (SEO) visits a month, to 818 a month. That’s a huge increase of 2539%.
  3. Mid way through this SEO campaign, I also redesigned their website so it was more modern, easier to navigate, featured team bios, and ultimately performed better.
  4. This website redesign has significantly improved customer conversion rates. The average time on the website has increased by 38%, as more relevant and detailed information is presented to the customer.

Organic (SEO) Traffic Over Time

Lawson Legal SEO results

Customer Testimonial

[stm_testimonials count=”1″ per_row=”1″ style=”style_2″ category=”lawson-legal”]

Get in touch with me

Get in touch by filling out the contact form below. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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